Rotary club of Udumalpet Tejas
The Rotary club of Udumalpet Tejas was chartered on 30-12-2011. The spade work for the formation of the club was done by former Rotarians Dr. S. Sundararajan, S. Chakrapani, V. Anand and M. Saravanakumar. There were 25 charter members and Rtn S. Chakrapani was the charter president. The Rotary club of Dharapuram sponsored the club and Rtn MD Dr. George Sundararaj was the Governor’s special representative. The club was handed over the charter by the then Governor Rtn. P. Ravi on 18-1-2012.
The club sponsored one community based Rotaract club – Rotaract club of Udumalpet Yuvas in its first year itself. Later the campus based Rotaract club of Kamalam College, Anthiyur, Udumalpet was started in 2014. Two interact clubs have been started in 2014 and yet to be chartered.
The club had Rtn V. Anand as the president in 2012-13 and Rtn. Prof. V. Ramanathan as the president in 2013-14. Rtn. PHF.Lr. P. Ravichandran was the president in 2014-15. And now the current president is Rtn. PHF.G. Ganeshkumar.
Rtn. Dr. S. Sundararajan was the first major donor of the club and following him 8 members became Paul Harris Fellows in 2012.The club achieved the 100% PHF status in 2013 and was the 3rd highest per capita contributor from the district to the Rotary Foundation in 2013-14.
Quote by Rotary Founder – Paul Harris
“I would like to think that the pioneering days of Rotary have only just begun. There are just as many new things to be done as ever there were. Kaleidoscopic changes are taking place, many of them without our will. Even to hang on to the fringe of this fast-changing world is about all most of us can do. Rotary simply must continue to pioneer or be left in the rear of progress.”
–Rotary Founder – Paul Harris
The Rotarian Magazine – 1945
Our Mission
“Our Mission is to make the Rotary platform available to those who cannot be a member of a regular Rotary club and has passion about social work and giving back to society. We would be using technology as a tool to follow the Rotary protocol and build a strong service network.”